Adobe InCopy Training
Build an efficient collaborative workflow with Adobe InCopy and Adobe InDesign.
Most publications are created by small teams of editors and designers. These workgroups need an efficient workflow, but often they make do with a combination of Microsoft® Word, Adobe InDesign, and multiple rounds of paper proofs. These tools alone can’t provide precision collaboration, which leads to delays, inefficient workarounds, and compromised quality.
Course Overview
212-414-1662. Or use our Contact Form.

Clients we have trained in Adobe InCopy include:
- 1stDibs
- American Lawyer Media
- American Media
- Bed Bath & Beyond
- The Daily Deal
- Food & Wine
- J.Crew, Inc.
- Men’s Fitness
- New York Magazine
- Pearson Education
- Scholastic, Inc.
- Maxim Magazine
- The Nation
- Shape Magazine
- Travel + Leisure
- Yale Daily News