Who Are We?

innovative publishing technology ipad and mobile devicesFlux Consulting was founded in 1996 with the goal of providing innovative technology solutions to companies seeking to be the best in their industry. Our founding partners are Scott Dunn and Jennifer Pade, specialists in bringing workflow technology to the workplace.

Today, we deliver workflow consulting & integration, software training and multi-channel publishing solutions to creative teams working on a variety of platforms and media.

vjoon_integration_partner_logo_rgbWe are an Adobe Partner and an integration partner of vjoon GmbH, maker of the vjoon K4 Publishing Platform. vjoon K4 is powerful workflow system that integrates Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy, delivering content to print, mobile, web and other output channels.

Meet Our Founders

Scott Dunn
Scott Dunn is a founding partner of Flux Consulting, Inc. With over 20 years experience in publishing technology and print production, Scott’s current focus includes multi-channel publishing, workflow management (using vjoon K4,) XSLT development for vjoon K4 and web (with emphasis on HTML, NITF, RSS and EPUB,) and script development.
Jennifer Pade
Jennifer Pade is a founding partner of Flux Consulting, Inc. For over 20 years, Jennifer has been an editorial system consultant, integrator and trainer, focusing on publishing technologies, and specializing in the vjoon K4 Publishing Platform and Adobe InDesign™ & Adobe InCopy®. Jennifer is a CTT+ certified technical trainer, a certified integrator of vjoon K4 Publishing Platform and an Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) for Adobe InDesign, InCopy and Photoshop.